August 2016
Chapel: Learning Through Stories - 2016-17 Campus Ministries Theme with Bob Yoder, campus pastor, and student Worship Assistants
10:00 am, College-Church Chapel
10:00 am, College-Church Chapel
Chapel: Who am I? Stories About College and Faith - the GC community shares
10:00 am, College-Church Chapel
10:00 am, College-Church Chapel
Chapel: Who Am I in This World? Stories About Vocation - the GC community shares
10:00 am, Church Chapel
10:00 am, Church Chapel
Faith & Vocation Lunch Series: Dominique Burgunder-Johnson, Glenn Gilbert - RSVPs required!
12:00 pm, Westlawn North Dining Room
12:00 pm, Westlawn North Dining Room
Faith & Vocation Lunch Series: John Roth, Kim Snyder - RSVPs required!
12:20 pm, Westlawn North Dining Room
12:20 pm, Westlawn North Dining Room
Faith & Vocation Lunch Series: Kendra Yoder, Ruth Hochstetler - RSVPs required!
12:00 pm, Westlawn North Dining Room
12:00 pm, Westlawn North Dining Room
Chapel: Who Are We? Stories About Our GC Community - the GC community shares
10:00 am, College-Church Chapel
10:00 am, College-Church Chapel
Faith & Vocation Lunch Series: Skip Barnett, Ellah Wakatama Allfrey - RSVPs required!
11:30 am, Westlawn North Dining Room
11:30 am, Westlawn North Dining Room