January 2024
Women's Basketball at Marian
5:30 pm, Indianapolis, Ind.
Men's Basketball at Marian
7:30 pm, Indianapolis, Ind.
Tinker Lab
6:00 pm, Good Library Royer Reading Room
Women's Basketball vs Grace
1:00 pm, Gunden Gymnasium
Men's Basketball vs Grace
3:00 pm, Gunden Gymnasium
New Student Orientation
, Welcome Center through January 9, 2024
Residence Halls Reopen for Spring Semester
3:30 pm, Dorms
Cookies & Coffee after Convo
10:40 am, College-Church, Fellowship Hall
Women's Basketball at Spring Arbor
5:00 pm, Spring Arbor, Mich.
Men's Basketball at Spring Arbor
7:00 pm, Spring Arbor, Mich.
DIY Fantasy Rice Map
9:00 am, Good Library Reference Room
Clubs and Orgs Info Session
10:00 am, Newcomer Center, Room 17
Women's Basketball vs Taylor
3:00 pm, Gunden Gymnasium
Men's Basketball vs Taylor
5:00 pm, Gunden Gymnasium
King Celebration: Guest lecture: Poetry reading with Allison Joseph
7:30 pm, Umble Center
Karaoke Night
8:30 pm, Newcomer Center, Room 19
King Celebration Convo & Reception : “Black Housing and Unsung Sheroes, Champions of Change in Elkhart County”
10:00 am, Church Sanctuary & Fellowship Hall
Red Cross Blood Drive
10:30 am, College Church, Fellowship Hall
Retirees Coffee
1:30 pm, Church - Koinonia Room
Women's Basketball vs Indiana Wesleyan
6:00 pm, Gunden Gymnasium
Men's Basketball vs Indiana Wesleyan
8:00 pm, Gunden Gymnasium
Tinker Lab
6:00 pm, Good Library Royer Reading Room
Door Dec Design
7:00 pm, Connector 1st Floor Lounge
Michiana Reginal Seed Swap
9:30 am, Church Fellowship Hall
Indoor Track & Field at Mastodon Invite
11:00 am, Fort Wayne, Ind.
CSA Student Recitals
11:00 am, Music Center, Rieth Recital Hall
Women's Basketball at Huntington
1:00 pm, Huntington, Ind.
Men's Basketball at Huntington
3:00 pm, Huntington, Ind.
Outdoor Broomball Game @ Merry Lea Campus
2:30 pm, Merry Lea Campus
Cookies & Coffee after Convo
10:30 am, College-Church, Fellowship Hall
Indoor Track & Field at Bill Clinger Classic
12:00 pm, Allendale, Mich.
Performing Arts Series Concert: Kurt Elling
7:30 pm, Music Center, Sauder Concert Hall
Celebrate Scholar Day
9:00 am, Welcome Center
Indoor Track & Field at Taylor Trojan Invite
9:30 am, Upland, Ind.
Women's Basketball at Bethel
1:00 pm, Mishawaka, Ind.
Men's Basketball at Bethel
3:00 pm, Mishawaka, Ind.
Celebrate Scholar Day Fine Arts Showcase
3:00 pm, Umble Center
Men's Volleyball vs Lakeland
4:00 pm, Gunden Gymnasium
Dungeons and Dragons Beginner's Night
6:00 pm, Newcomer Center, Room 19
Men's Volleyball vs Calumet College of St. Joseph
7:00 pm, Gunden Gymnasium
Women's Basketball vs Saint Francis
6:00 pm, Gunden Gymnasium
ASL Movie Night
6:30 pm, Administration Building, AD28
Men's Basketball vs Saint Francis
8:00 pm, Gunden Gymnasium