5:00 pm, Thursday, September 22, 2005
NC 19

Dinner with Lakota visitors from Pine Ridge, S.D.

Meet 11 visitors from Lakota Action Network, indigenous youth organizing group from Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. They are en route to Bring the Troops Home demonstrations in Washington, DC this weekend. Please bring food to share! In DC the group will be presenting a star quilt to Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a soldier killed in Iraq who spent August camped outside President Bush's ranch in Texas. The quilt is to honor Sheehan for her courage in making a stand against the Iraq war, and is covered with signatures from the Oglala Lakota people of Pine Ridge. A higher percentage of Native people serve in the U.S. Armed forces than any other ethnic group, so the war is having a major impact on Pine Ridge. Carl Meyer, GC alum, who works with Mennonite Central Committee in Pine Ridge, accompanies the group.

Contact: Sylvia Shirk Charles, phone (574) 535-7542, email sylviasc@goshen.edu