10:00 am, Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Church Chapel

Convocation: Brenda Matthews, performing artist, speaks on domestic violence

The Clothesline Project
The Clothesline Project is a program started 1990 to address the issue of violence against women. Here at Goshen College it is a way for women (and men) affected by violence to express their emotions by decorating a shirt, telling a personal story or a story of loved ones who have been affected by such violence. These shirts will then be hung up in Schrock Plaza on October 21, 2005 for viewing. Opening Ceremonies will begin at 10:30, directly following Chapel. Those involved with the Clothesline Project are very excited about this upcoming event and would like to encourage the campus community and visitors to GC to stop off in Schrock Plaza on October 21, 2005 and view the shirts. This has been a very therapeutic outlet for many participants as well as a promotion for cultural awareness in the community and we would appreciate your support.
Clothesline Project Covocation
Brenda Matthews, a playwright, poet, and performing artist, will be giving the convocation on October 19, 2005 regarding the topics of sexual and domestic violence. Matthews, a Chicago native, travels the country speaking to youth, performing at colleges and other events, such as the Mennonite Youth Conference this past summer in Charlotte. An inspiring woman committed to change and the creation of a new society, Matthews often speaks on controversial topics such as assault, abuse, drugs, racism, and gentrification. Matthews has done a wonderful job of combining her skills in social service and creative arts to provide outreach to youth in Chicago and throughout the United States. Those backing the Clothesline Project are very excited about Matthews upcoming presence on campus and would like to encourage all to attend convocation on October 19, 2005 to hear a wonderful speaker get up close and personal with the controversial topics of sexual and domestic violence.

Contact: Becky B Horst, phone (574) 535-7206, email beckybh@goshen.edu