10:00 am, Monday, November 14, 2005
Church Chapel

Convocation: Visiting speaker David W. Shenk on " Islam and the West: The Afghanistan Conundrum"

Muslims believe that Islam is God's revealed truth that should form the political and social system. Western societies and political systems are significantly formed by Englightenment philosophies, not revelation. These different visions of truth, society, and government are in dramatic interaction as Afghanistan seeks to find the way forward in the wake of the collapse of the Taliban and the occupation by international (Western) forces. Does the Christian church as a people who, like Muslims, are committed to revelation have a gift to offer within the Afghanistan conundrum?
Brief bio: David W. Shenk was born and raised in a Christian missionary home in Tanzania. For ten years he was involved in educational work in Islamic Somalia and lectured in comparative religion and church history at Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya for six years. Since 1980, Shenk has been based at Eastern Mennonite Missions (EMM) headquarters, Salunga, Pennsylvania, where he helps to coordinate interfaith commitments.

The German SST unit previously scheduled for this date will present a convocation early in spring semester.

Contact: Paul Keim, phone (574) 535-7989, email pkeim@goshen.edu