10:00 am, Monday, February 2, 2009

Convocation: "What Does Freedom Have to do with Peace? - Laura Brenneman, Bluffton University extended to 10:45

Drawing heavily on the book of Galatians, Dr. Laura Brenneman, assistant professor of religion at Bluffton University, will explore how New Testament understandings of freedom, especially Pauls, compare to the modern rhetoric of freedom. She will be considering contemporary contexts for living out the freedom of the gospel that Paul declares and testing implications for a Christian position of nonviolence. This annual C. Henry Smith Peace Lecture alternates between Bluffton and Goshen faculty members. Dr. C. Henry Smith served as academic dean at both schools in the early twentieth century.

Contact: Rebecca B Horst, phone (574) 535-7206, email beckybh@goshen.edu

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