9:40 am, Thursday, May 4, 2006
Church Chapel

Convocation: Jerry & Sis Levin - "Our Lives in the Middle East: Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine, Israel."

In 1984, while Jerry Levin was the CNN Mid-East Bureau chief in Beirut, Lebanon, he was taken hostage and held for almost a year. He escaped as a result of the sustained efforts of his wife, Sis, to influence his captors. Her book, Beirut Diary tells the story.
The Levins continue to work in the Middle East: Jerry as a full-time volunteer with Christian Peacemaker Teams in Iraq and Palestine, and Sis as founder of "The Children of Abraham," a peace-education project for children.
The Levins will be resource persons for a JustPeace Seminar Sat. May 6 from 9:00-2:00 at the MCL cafeteria near Elkhart. Student registration is just $10. See the College Mennonite Church office for more information.

Contact: Becky Horst, phone (574) 535-7206, email Beckybh@goshen.edu

See also: Spiritual Life at Goshen