Saturday, October 23, 2010 through October 31, 2010
The Quiet Place (basement of Coffman)

Campus Wide Prayer 24/7

October 23-31st our campus will be united in unbroken prayer. While we sleep, are in class, and living our college lives someone will be actively pursuing God every minute of every hour through music, thought, reading the word, drawing, journaling or by whatever means suits the individual to pray. Through this we can share in each other?s struggles and successes creating a communal atmosphere within the prayer room.

One reason for 24-7 prayer is to engage with Jesus? reply to the question of what is the greatest commandment. He answered the utmost call is to love God and then to love others as we love ourselves. (Mt 22:34-40) After experiencing God in the secret place, we are moved by compassion to be Jesus? hands and feet within our campus, communities, and world.

What will 24-7 prayer look like? The prayer room/quiet place in the basement of Coffman will be set up with large paper to write on, prayer request cards, and more to create a community crying to God. However, engagement in the prayer room items is not mandatory. Feel free to individualize your dialogue with God. People are signing up for one hour slots throughout the week in order to fill every hour of every day.

For more information or a to sign up email

Also take a look at the following web link that further describes this event: - scroll down and click on "What is 24-7 Prayer?"

Contact: Bob Yoder, campus pastor, phone 7542, email

See also: