2:00 pm, Monday, April 10, 2006
Newcomer Center 19

Lifelong Learning Institute - Two Contemporary Classics

The House of the Spirits and The Handmaid's Tale. Both Isabel Allende and Margaret Atwood use folk tale, myth and contemporary history to create worlds in which their unforgettable characters struggle to survive. They populate worlds strange yet familiar, and take on the "big" topics of our time: totalitarianism, dictatorship, oppression (economic, religious and political), classism, racism, and sexism - affecting both North and South America. You will read and discuss the novels as cultural commentary couched in magical realism and dysfunctional romanticism. If time permits, you will view the film versions of these remarkable novels.

This class meets April 3, 5, 10 and 12.

Fee: $40 - please call the Welcome Center to register.

Contact: Welcome Center, phone 574-535-7566, email welcomecenter@goshen.edu