2:00 am, Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Newcomer Center 17

Lifelong Learning Institute - A Kaleidoscope of Local Hispanic Cultures

Explore the richness of local Hispanic culture in its social, familial, religious, commercial and geographic forms. What is the traditional wedding like? Or the "quincienera" (the 15-year-old "coming-out" party)? Not only are there five masses in Spanish each week, but large numbers of participants are in other faith traditions. Explore other forms of variety in the quarter of Goshen's population who have come from 26 different Hispanic countries in the last 15-20 years. Learn a few "dichos" (colorful expressions) in Spanish or "Spanglish." Videos and music will enhance your learning.

This class meets May 15, 17, 22 and 24. Please call the Welcome Center to register.

Contact: Welcome Center, phone 574-535-7566, email welcomecenter@goshen.edu