Saturday, October 29, 2005
Music Center

CSA Suzuki Workshop

The first-ever GC Suzuki workshop will take place this Saturday, Oct. 29, with sessions beginning at 9:00 and continuing through 2:00 p.m. in the Music Center. At 2:00 lead clinician Edmund Sprunger will speak to parents of the 25 + students who are registered for the workshop, while the students prepare for the final workshop activity--a group Play-In Concert at 3:00 in Rieth Recital Hall.

Ed Sprunger graduated from GC in 1984 with a music major. His years at GC were the beginning years of Suzuki violin instruction here, and he went on to become a Suzuki specialist, achieving recognition in those circles. He is sought after as a clinician for workshops across the country, and has recently released his first book, Helping Parents Practice: Ideas for Making it Easier, (see http://

Contact: Community School of the Arts, phone (574) 535-7361, email

See also: Click here to visit the Goshen College Music Center website.