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8:30 am, Saturday, November 16, 2019
Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center

Sandhill Crane Excursion

The bugling call of sandhill cranes is an unforgettable sound in our area. Sandhill cranes are also an exciting conservation success story. During fall migration they gather in huge flocks, some of which can be found within easy driving distance of Merry Lea. Join Environmental Educator, Carol Good-Elliott, and expert birder, Bruce Glick, on Saturday, November 16th from 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. for an excursion to search out these amazing birds and to learn the history of their recovery in Indiana! Transportation will be provided for the first 13 registered participants and others will need to provide their own transportation. This program is designed for those in high school or older. Light snacks will be provided; participants are also welcome to bring along a sack lunch to eat at the end of the program. Please dress to be outside for up to 2 hours. The cost is $25 per person and online registration is required by November 8th. Please find more information and registration form on our website https://www.goshen.edu/merrylea/category/event/.

Contact: Katie Tipton, phone 260-799-5869, email kctipton@goshen.edu

See also: Merry Lea Events