4:00 pm, Thursday, October 30, 2008
Notre Dame, South Bend

St. Marcellus Day Celebration

PAX Club will be headed to Notre Dame to participate in the St. Marcellus Day Celebration. Marcellus was an early Christian martyr who was killed for refusing to serve the Roman army after his conversion. A Schedule of events can be found at: www.cpnv.net The events include a pilgrimage, dramatic re-enactment of Marcellus' story, testimonies of contemporary conscientious objectors, a FREE soup supper, and the keynote service with Fr. Richard Rohr speaking on "A New Consciousness for Peacemaking". Carpools will leave Goshen at 3:20 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. RSVP to Tamara Shantz (tamaras)if you are interested in going.

Contact: Tamara L Shantz, phone (574) 535-7008, email tamaras@goshen.edu

See also: