7:00 pm, Tuesday, October 28, 2008
NC 17

Growing Your Financial IQ

Where does all your money go?

Unless you are independently wealthy or eventually moving back with Mom & Dad, managing your income and expenses is a skill youll use the rest of your life. Do you know what to do? Find out Tuesday, Oct. 28, from 7:00  8:30 pm in NC 17 when business and accounting professors will present an overview on the basics of money management.

Topics will include:
-Credit cards and debt management
-Investing and the advantages of starting early
-How to budget your income

There will be ample time for questions and students will view an informative and entertaining video by Dave Ramsey on how to stay out of debt.

Pizza, chips, and drinks provided, but only if we receive your RSVP by Oct. 27 to megansb@goshen.edu.

Contact: Career Services, phone 7547, email megansb@goshen.edu