9:00 am, Thursday, May 28, 2009
Newcomen Center, room 17

Course Development Seminar

This four-day, "mornings-only", seminar will be held on the mornings of Tuesday, May 26th, through Friday, May 29th. By way of highly interactive processes and activities, the work of the seminar will guide you through the beginning phases of developing a new course or adding new dimensions to an existing course, and will allow for immediate feedback on your plans from colleagues in other departments and disciplines.

By the end of the seminar, participants can expect to have determined learning outcomes for students in one class they have chosen to develop and to have outlined a major final assignment (or exam) that gathers evidence about the extent to which students have achieved those outcomes. During the seminar participants will also have the opportunity to lay out a basic calendar for the course they have chosen to develop, and to map out and align assignments and grading that directs students toward their learning outcomes.

For more information or to register for the CDS, please contact Ross Peterson-Veatch at rosspv@goshen.edu or call 535-7504.

Contact: Ross W Peterson-Veatch, phone (574) 535-7504, email rosspv@goshen.edu