8:30 am, Friday, May 29, 2009
Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center of Goshen College, Farmstead Site

Natural History of Wetlands

In this in-depth workshop, we will explore the geology and biology of wetlands as they exist in Merry Leas landscapes, especially Merry Leas fine wooded wetlands. The skills and knowledge you will acquire will help you examine other wetlands that might be under your care and protection. Led by Dr. Mary Linton, Merry Lea's Lindsey Fellow from 1989 - 2002, and Alice Thompson of Thompson and Associates, a wetland consulting firm in Wisconsin. Cost: $175 includes meals, 2 nights lodging, instruction and supplies.

Contact: Jennifer H Schrock, phone (260) 799-5869, email jenniferhs@goshen.edu