4:00 pm, Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Administration Building 28

Mindpower Presentation

President Brenneman, VP for Institutional Advancement Will Jones and VP for Enrollment Management Lynn Jackson are inviting faculty and staff members to attend a special presentation on Wednesday, Feb. 11. It will be by Lisa Jordan of Mindpower Inc., an Atlanta-based company that specializes in branding, messaging, visual design, marketing and advertising. During four identical sessions on Feb. 11, Lisa will give an overview of the emerging brand concept for the college as well as advertising and marketing proposals intended to increase enrollment and support from our constituents. Ninety-minute sessions will be held in the Koinonia Room of CMC starting at 8:30 a.m., 10:45 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. and in AD-28 at 4 p.m. Afterward, you will be invited to respond and to provide your counsel. In late October, Mindpower conducted focus groups with many GC faculty and staff members and students. Mindpower's recommendations are a result of those meetings and extensive research on the college.

Contact: Richard Aguirre, phone (574) 535-7571, email rraguirre@goshen.edu