10:00 am, Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Multiple Locations - contact Ross Peterson-Veatch for information about locations.

Foundations of Excellence Dimension Committees

GC Faculty, Staff and Students are invited to participate in the Foundations of Excellence Project this semester. Wednesday, Jan. 14th GC will begin conversations that will continue our work on the Foundations of Excellence in the First College Year project - a major self-study of our approach to our first year program. The overall goal of Foundations of Excellence is to gather information in a systematic way that will culminate in a plan for improvement of the first-year experience of Goshen College students. This next phase of the project is guided by 9 "Dimension Committees" that will evaluate our First Year programs and make recommendations for improvement. Dimension Committees will meet every other Wednesday starting Jan. 14th. For more information about times and locations of meetings contact Ross Peterson-Veatch at x7504 or rosspv@goshen.edu

Contact: Ross W Peterson-Veatch, phone (574) 535-7504, email rosspv@goshen.edu