4:00 pm, Wednesday, March 4, 2009
NC 17

Spring Interdisciplinary Forum: "Limits to Economic Growth: Perspectives on energy, social justice, and well-being"

In preparation for Bill McKibben's Yoder Public Affairs lecture on March 11, three faculty members will present on one component of McKibben's general thesis: why the paradigm of "growth" and "more is better" will ultimately fail us.
1) Energy Limits --> We cannot grow more due to limits in obtaining energy (Carl Helrich, physics)
2) Subjective Wellbeing --> More growth does not lead to more happiness (Vic Koop, psychology)
3) Inequity --> More growth does not alleviate poverty, but creates more inequality (Carolyn Schrock-Shenk, PJCS)
Each of the three respondents will prepare a 6-8 minute response to McKibben's Mother Jones article. See link below.
We'll then invite students and faculty in the audience to respond, ask questions, and/or offer counter-points.
Kevin Gary, education, will facilitate the meeting.

Contact: Ryan Sensenig, phone 7206, email rlsensenig@goshen.edu

See also: McKibben Mother Jones article