8:30 am, Monday, July 20, 2009
Wyse Hall and Newcomer Center

Educational Equity Seminar

In this week-long seminar, participants will explore, experience and practice concepts and skills designed to support leadership for equity in educational settings. The material for this seminar includes the most current understandings and practices in facilitating interventions and transitional structures that help transform schools and colleges to support equitable outcomes for all students. At the core of this seminar is practice in Julian Wiesglass's "constructivist listening" - an important skill in building the personal and structural alliances across difference that are necessary for the support of all students.

This seminar is sponsored by the Center for Intercultural Teaching and Learning and is open to teachers, faculty and administrators alike. For more information, contact Ross Peterson-Veatch at 535-7504 or email rosspv@goshen.edu

Contact: Ross W Peterson-Veatch, phone (574) 535-7504, email rosspv@goshen.edu