8:00 pm, Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Take Back the Night

The Take Back the Night (TBTN) campaign has been occurring for several years on campuses nationwide. The overarching framework for this event centers around statistics which show that women are most vulnerable to physical attacks at night. Both the rally and march are a way to work to change this -- to say women should also be able to walk the streets at night without fear.

The TBTN rally and march are a highlight of Domestic & Sexual Assault Awareness Week. During the opening rally a few students tell their personal stories, and share poems and music. The march is solely for women who chose to participate and follows a dedicated path around the neighborhood. Men stay for an activity/discussion during this time. Following the march will be a time of reflection and small-group 'talk-back'.

More event information on Domestic and Sexual Assault Awareness Week can be found on posters throughout campus, or by contacting Hannah K Miller, hannahkm@goshen.edu

Contact: Hannah Katrine Miller, email hannahkm@goshen.edu