3:00 pm, Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Goshen College Music Center Room 100

Lifelong Learning Institute: Moliere's Serious Comedy Tartuffe

Religious quarrels, class boundaries, and censorship influenced this most-performed of Molière?s plays in which the bourgeois Orgon has suffered a mid-life crisis and becomes fixated on religion, not suspecting that his new spiritual guide Tartuffe has designs on his house, fortune, wife and daughter. Venture behind the scenes of the Goshen College mainstage production as we discover how low farce and lofty morals combine to dramatize this tale of a fool and a hypocrite. We may even act out a few scenes ourselves. The final class will include the dress rehearsal of Tartuffe. Davis and Massanari are former and current professors of French at Goshen College.

Contact: Welcome Center, phone 574-535-7566, email welcomecenter@goshen.edu