Wednesday, March 9, 2011 through March 12, 2011
Central Campus

The Wall Project

Throughout history, humans have built walls to keep people out, imprison people, create borders between nations and ideologies. One contemporary example is the wall that has been erected between the nation of Israel and Palestine (or the occupied territories of the West Bank).

For 3 days, PAX Club (along with the Middle East Club, Eco-Pax, GSWA and other student clubs) is erecting a temporary wall on campus in an effort to raise awareness of the conflict in Palestine/Israel, how people on both sides of the wall are affected by its presence, and considering how students might engage with this issue.

For more information, contact Emily Graber, Liz Berg, or other PAX club leaders. And watch the Communicator for specific details around Education and Talk Back sessions.

Contact: Tamara L Shantz, phone (574) 535-7008, email