4:00 pm, Monday, February 21, 2011
Science 106

Science Speakers

And A River Runs Through It by Dr. Nate Bosch, Grace College Dr. Nate Bosch, Assistant Professor, Environmental Biology, and Director of the Kosciusko Lakes and Streams program will be presenting a seminar on Monday, Feb. 21, at 4 pm in Science 106. His topic will focus on his limnological research and education programs related to protecting and improving the quality of lakes and streams in Kosciusko County. With one of the widest smiles and reddest hair on the Grace College campus, Nate is seldom happier than when he is standing on a sunny day in the middle of a creek in chest waders with a group of students pulling water samples for chemical and biological analysis. Dr. Bosch has a Ph.D. in limnology (the study of freshwater lakes and streams) from the School of Natural Resources & Environment, University of Michigan while working as a researcher at the Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research in Michigan.

Contact: David L Housman, phone (574) 535-7405, email dhousman@goshen.edu