Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Campus Ministries guest speakers: Christine & Tom Sine

We welcome Christine and Tom Sine to Goshen College. They will speak in two chapels and interact with students and faculty in other settings as well. Tom and Christine are part of Mustard Seed Associates, where they are "creating the future one mustard seed at a time."

Christine Sine was born in Sydney Australia but now lives in the Mustard Seed House with her husband Tom and their golden retriever Bonnie. An enthusiastic organic, she is passionate about helping Christians to connect their faith to everyday life and writes and speaks on issues relating to changing our timestyle and lifestyle to develop a more spiritual rhythm for life. In a former life Christine trained as a physician in Australia and developed and directed the healthcare ministry for Mercy Ships. She is the author of three books GodSpace: Time for Peace in the Rhythms of Life (Barclay Press 2006), Travel Well (World Vision Resources 2005) and Tales of a Seasick Doctor (Zondervan 1996). Christine and Tom also co-authored Living on Purpose: Finding God's Best for Your Life. (Baker Books 2002) and they are still friends.

Tom Sine has many gifts and has worked as a social worker, educator and headed up a community development project in Haiti for World Concern. These days he spends a lot of time trying to learn what God is doing through a new generation of innovators. That is what led him to write The New Conspirators. He currently teaches as an adjunct at Fuller Theological Seminary. It seems as though he is always working on a book. His previous book was Mustard Seed Vs McWorld. He and Christine wrote Living on Purpose three months before the Purpose Driven Life.

Tom and Christine try to help everyone from college students to mission executives get ready to serve God in our rapidly changing new global neighborhood. The way they do this is by enabling people to both identify some of the new challenges rushing at us from the future and imagine new ways to respond to these challenges.

Mustard Seed Associates -

Godspace (Christine's blog & web site) -

Contact: Bob Yoder, campus pastor, phone 7542, email