Thursday, April 4, 2002 through April 5, 2002
College Church

Health Care Ethics Conference

Pastoring at the Beginning of Life:
Health Care Ethics in the Faith Community

A Conference for Pastors
and others interested in the stewardship and ethics of assisted reproduction

Thursday evening thru Friday afternoon, April 4-5, 2002

Sponsored by
Goshen College, Mennonite Mutual Aid, Anabaptist Center for Health Care Ethics

Purpose and presentations:
Pastors and congregations are often invited to surround individuals and families with loving care and counsel as members face the end of life. Seminars are readily available to equip pastors for this ministry. This conference, however, aims to speak to beginning of life concerns, less often addressed in pastoral care and congregational life.

Yet couples and families feel the dilemmas as intensely as persons facing death. They often struggle alone and in silence. Pastors often are not invited for pastoral care, and congregations are unaware of the pain. In Scripture, one need only mention Abraham and Sarah, Hannah and Elkanah, Elizabeth and Zechariah, to realize that there is something amiss about our silence today, while the media speaks readily about in-vitro fertilization, stem cell research, and neonatal intervention.

Goshen College nursing and Bible faculty and the Anabaptist Center for Health Care Ethics offer touching and informative stories. Through case presentations and reflective addresses, participants will learn how they can become more understanding, supportive and pastoral toward couples who face infertility and beginning of life challenges. How can pastors invite couples to seek the church's counsel and congregations better support those who face infertility, neonatal and postnatal crises? Presentations will be followed by time for questions, responses and discussion.

Conference Schedule

Registration and Lodging Information

Contact: Sheldon Burkhalter, phone (219) 535-7536, email