8:00 pm, Friday, April 16, 2004
Sauder Concert Hall

Goshen College Orchestra and Wind Ensemble Spring Concert, preceded by Wheaton (IL) High School orchestra at 7:30 PM

The Goshen College Orchestra and Wind Ensemble, conducted by Dr. John Graulty, will perform works by Copland, Ponchielli, Weill, and Beethoven. Featuring John Graulty and Egils Sefers as solo clarinetists. Admission: $5 general admission / $3 seniors and students / GC students free.

For more information about this performance read this press release: Goshen College orchestra and wind ensemble perform final season concert April 16.

Contact: JoAnn Preheim, phone (574) 535-7566, email joannp@goshen.edu

See also: Music Department Web site