8:00 am, Friday, April 2, 2004
Check-in: Music Center

Discover GC Day & Overnight Visit

You will be able to:

  • Attend classes and sessions on athletics and student life
  • Get information on admission and financial aid
  • Hear from alumni and parents
  • Tour campus
  • Ask questions of a panel of current students
  • Have lunch in the newly renovated dining hall
  • Attend the Choral Concert or the Thirstborne Concert

    Friday night we offer lodging to prospective students in the dormitories with GC students. This is a perfect opportunity to experience Goshen College.

    To register, call the Admission Office at (800) 348- 7422 or register online.

  • Contact: Admission Office, phone (574) 535-7535, email admission@goshen.edu

    See also: visiting campus