Friday, April 30, 2004 through May 1, 2004
Merry Lea, Wolf Lake, IN

Merry Lea NatureFest

Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center of Goshen College offers its first annual NatureFest, Friday, April 30-Saturday, May 1, in Wolf Lake, IN.

The Naturefest features a wide variety of hikes and seminars for all ages. Explore local geology, bring your family on a wetland investigation, learn about sustainable building, experiment with organic gardening and more. Guest performers are Will Redding, well-known story-teller and naturalist, Les Gustafson-Zook, World Champion autoharp performer. Free homemade ice cream! Visit our Web site for driving directions.

Read this press release for more informaiton about this event: Merry Lea hosts first annual NatureFest April 30-May 1 for children and adults.

Schedule and Fees:

Friday, April 30

7:00-8:30 p.m. Will Redding, storytelling followed by a night hike. Cost: $5, under 10, free

Camping overnight is an option. Breakfast included, $5.

Saturday, May 1

7:00-8:00 a.m. Early Morning bird hike

8:00-9:00 Breakfast

Cost: $10 for hike and breakfast

9:00 Registration and displays open

Cost for entire day: $10, ages 5-12, $5

10:00-11:30 Hikes and seminars

11:30-1:00 Lunch

1:00-2:30 Choose a second hike or seminar

2:30-4:00 Musical entertainment: Les Gustafson-Zook, autoharp, mandolin

Hikes and Seminars: Adult

Building Design with Earth in Mind; Ecology of Forests; Environmentally Responsible Eating and Organic Gardening; Glacial Geology; Wetland Restoration

Family Hikes

Wetland Investigations; Wild Edibles

Children's Activities

K - 3rd grade, Exploring Nature; 4th - 6th grade, Canoeing on the wetland

Contact: Dave Miller, phone (260) 799-5869, email

See also: Merry Lea Web site