9:00 pm, Friday, April 2, 2004
New location: Game Room

Thirstborne Concert

Thirstborne is a dynamic Christian band of recent Hesston College alumni. They previously performed at the Mennonite Youth Convention in Atlanta and at the Indiana Youth Rally held at Westview High School.

Thirstborne's mission is to show their love for Christ through the pursuit of musical excellence and in building relationships. The band includes Jason Fishburn (vocals, guitar), Shawn Taylor (drums), Jeremy Kempf (bass), and started in October 1999.

Ticket prices have been reduced from previously announced to $1, at the door.

High school students: Discover GC on April 2! Attend classes, talk with students and professors, tour campus, see Thirstborne and stay overnight!

Register for Discover GC Day and the concert by calling (574) 535-7535, or register online.

Contact: Jo Ann Preheim, phone (574) 535-7566, email joannp@goshen.edu

See also: Learn more about Discover GC Day