10:00 am,
April 20, 2015
CMC Fellowship Hall
Benefits Fair
The annual employee Benefits Fair will take place on Monday, April 20th, 10:00 a.m.-12 noon and 1:15-3:30 p.m. in College Mennonite Church's Fellowship Hall. You may meet with benefit providers and HR staff, and make changes in your benefits for the new college year that begins July 1.
We will assist you in completing your new Section 125 forms which are REQUIRED each year for all employees .5 FTE and above, regardless of whether or not you sign up for benefits. Refreshments will be available.
To check on your current benefit selections, take a look at your compensation statement, found at http://www.goshen.edu/hr/payroll-information/. Contact Vickie or Norm in HR if you have any questions.
Contact: Vickie J Miller, phone (574) 535-6111, email vickiejm@goshen.edu