Friday, February 20, 2004
Westlawn lounge

Etiquette Luncheon: Manners Matter (at least to the employer)

You were oriented as frosh, but as seniors it's time to dis-orient you. Bring your lunch to Westlawn lounge on Friday noons for these "Life After College" sessions.

Jan. 23: Shift Happens: Preparing for Change
Jan. 30: Cold Hard Cash: Managing the Money Flow
Feb. 06: Finding Your First Job: Best Practices Search Techniques
Feb. 13: Telling Your Story Effectively: Interviewing Strategies
Feb. 20: Etiquette Luncheon: Manners Matter (at least to the employer)

Interviews can be stressful when you are expected to eat and talk at the same time. One of the reasons employers take job candidates out to lunch or dinner is to evaluate their social skills and to see if they can handle themselves gracefully under pressure.

While you dine with other seniors, Stuart Showalter and Anita Yoder will help you brush up your dining etiquette skills during a delicious catered lunch. Co-sponsored with Sodexho. A $10 deposit (returned at the luncheon) will reserve your place. Register with Anita Yoder via campus mail by Feb 13.

Over 70 GC seniors have participated in an etiquette meal over the past three years. Here's your final opportunity.

All events are free. Seniors are encouraged, but not required, to attend all five sessions.

Registration is needed only for the etiquette luncheon on Feb. 20. Email or call Anita Yoder at anitary or 7714 with questions. Sponsored by Career Services

Contact: Anita Yoder, phone (574) 535-7714, email