5:00 pm, Saturday, February 7, 2004
College Church (dinner), Umble Center (show)

International Coffeehouse

Don't miss this great evening of food and fun!
The annual International Student Club Coffeehouse will be held on February 7, 2004. This exciting student led event will feature an international feast followed by an international student variety show.

The dinner will be at 5:00 PM in the College Mennonite Church Fellowship hall; the show will start at 7:00 PM in the Umble Center on campus. It is wise to buy tickets ahead of time, since both these events usually sell out.

Ticket prices are:
Students: Dinner and show - $8.00
Show only - $4.00 ($5 at the door)

Non-students: Dinner and show - $12.00
Show only - $6.00 ($7 at the door)

Tickets will go on sale in the Goshen student Union about 10 days before the show and after that they will be available in the Welcome Center: (574) 535-7566.

The profits go to fund the International Student Club's social events during the year and also aid one or more needy Goshen international students.

For more information about this event, read the press release: Tastes and talents from around world featured in annual Goshen College International Coffeehouse Feb. 7 .

Contact: Carl Barnett, phone (574) 535-7472, email carleb@goshen.edu

See also: http://www.goshen.edu/isc