12:00 pm, Friday, February 4, 2005
North Dining Room

Finding Your First Job: Best Practices for the Search

You were oriented as frosh, but as seniors it's time to dis-orient you. Bring your lunch to the North Dining Room on Friday noons for these "Life After College" sessions.

Feb. 04: Find Your First Job, Job Search Techniques
Feb. 11: Telling Your Story Effectively: Interviewing Strategies
Feb. 18: Cooking for One: Recipes and Recommendations

Most job-seekers wish they could unlock the secret formula to winning the hearts and minds of employers. What is that unique combination of skills and values that make employers salivate with excitement?

Certain skills are universally sought by employers, and GC excels at teaching them. Learn what employers are looking for and how to market yourself. Taught by Anita Yoder of Career Services.

All events are free. Seniors are encouraged, but not required, to attend all sessions. Sponsored by Career Services.

Contact: Anita Yoder, phone (574) 535-7714, email anitary@goshen.edu