Friday, February 11, 2005
College Mennonite Church Fellowship Hall

34th Annual Nursing Mock Convention

Developed in 1975, Mock Convention has provided an excellent learning opportunity for students to explore the process of the nurse's role as change agents in political and governmental structures. This day-long simulated convention involves all nursing students as members of either a district or the Mock Convention board. Debate is held on resolutions following parliamentary procedure in the way that an actual convention would be carried out at the state level. Mock Convention has received national recognition for it's creative approach to introducing student nurses to the political process in professional nursing. The originator, Mervin Helmuth, associate professor of nursing, has presented Mock Convention at a number of different conferences across the country over the years. Mock Convention is always considered one of the highlights for nursing students during their studies at Goshen College.

Contact: Linda Bontreger, phone (574) 535-7370, email