12:00 pm, Friday, January 28, 2005
North Dining Room

"Show Me the Money: Managing the Money Flow

You were oriented as frosh, but as seniors it's time to dis-orient you. Bring your lunch to Westlawn lounge on Friday noons for these "Life After College" sessions.

Jan. 28: "Show Me the Money: Managing the Money Flow
Feb. 06: Finding that First Job, Job Search Techniques
Feb. 13: Telling Your Story Effectively: Interviewing Strategies

Graduates are experts in their chosen field, but what about managing money? Roger Nafziger, current Director of Development for GC and former financial adviser, will lead this fast-paced and lively session.

No get-rich-quick schemes  just basic, sound advice on the proper use of credit, cash management and investment.

All events are free. Seniors are encouraged, but not required, to attend all sessions. Sponsored by Career Services

Contact: Anita Yoder, phone (574) 535-7714, email anitary@goshen.edu

See also: Click here to register online today!