Friday, January 21, 2005
Westlawn lounge

Shift Happens: Preparing for Change

You were oriented as frosh, but as seniors it's time to dis-orient you. Bring your lunch to Westlawn lounge on Friday noons for these "Life After College" sessions.

Jan. 21: Shift Happens: Preparing for Change
Jan. 28: Show Me the Money: Managing the Money Flow
Feb. 04: Find Your First Job, Job Search Techniques
Feb. 18: Cooking for One: Recipes and Recommendations
Feb. 11: Telling Your Story Effectively: Interviewing Strategies

A major step after graduation often involves new housing, work and social connections. This transition can be overwhelming. Launa Rohrer Beck, Associate Dean of Students, will offer practical steps to consider as you engage in the process of finding your next *home.*

All events are free. Seniors are encouraged, but not required, to attend all sessions. Sponsored by Career Services

Contact: Anita Yoder, phone (574) 535-7714, email