7:00 pm, Sunday, June 27, 2004
Rieth Recital Hall

Rachel Harding, Director of The Veterans of Hope Project

Rachel Harding, Director of The Veterans of Hope Project to speak as a part of Transforming a Violent World: Sharing Resources, Tools and Visions June 27, 28 & 30. Free and Open to the Public. Rachel Harding is the executive director of The Veterans of Hope Project at the Iliff School of Theology in Denver, Colo. The Veterans of Hope Project documents the life stories of Veterans -- men and women from a variety of ethnic, cultural and religious communities who have been active for many years in movements for compassionate social change. Harding has also taught classes on religion and African-American studies at the Iliff School of Theology and the University of Colorado at Boulder. She is the author of A Refuge in Thunder: Candombli and Alternative Spaces of Blackness, history of the nineteenth century development of the Afro-Brazilian religion. Harding is also an accomplished poet, with works published in Callaloo, Chelsea, Feminist Studies, The International Review of African American Art, Hambone, and in several anthologies.

Contact: Dean Johnson, phone (574) 535-7000, email deanjj@goshen.edu