7:00 pm, Monday, June 28, 2004
Rieth Recital hall

Paul R. Loeb, author and associated scholar at Seattles Center for Ethical Leadership

Paul R. Loeb, author and associated scholar at Seattles Center for Ethical Leadership to speak as a part of Transforming a Violent World: Sharing Resources, Tools and Visions June 27, 28 & 30. Free and Open to the Public. Paul Loeb is an associated scholar at Seattles Center for Ethical Leadership and board chair of Peace Action of Washington state. Loeb has spent more than 30 years studying and writing about the psychology of social involvement. His most famous book, Soul of a Citizen: Living With Conviction in a Cynical Time, with 85,000 copies in print, explores what leads some people to get involved in larger community issues and what it takes to maintain commitment for the long haul. Loeb has written for such publications as: The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Psychology Today, Utne Reader, Redbook, Parents magazine, Christian Science Monitor, Mother Jones, Salon, the Village Voice, National Catholic Reporter, and the International Herald Tribune. In addition to Soul of a Citizen, he is the author of Generation at the Crossroads : Apathy and action on the American Campus, of Nuclear Culture, and of Hope in Hard Tiimes. His new anthology on political hope, The Impossible Will Take a Little While, will be published in August 2004 by Basic Books.

Contact: Dean Johnson, phone (574) 535-7000, email deanjj@goshen.edu

See also: Plowshares Peace Studies Collaborative