5:30 pm,
March 18, 2017
CMC Youth Group Room
ASL Coffeehouse
ASL Coffeehouse
Featuring presenter, Rex Brake of Indianapolis.
Rex established, in 1984, the Christian
Drama/Comedy Ministry "Sign for Life" which
toured the United States, sharing the Gospel
through songs, skits, teaching, and concerts,
pointing Deaf people and others to Jesus Christ.
Since 2006 he has been at East 91st Street
Christian Church, in Indianapolis, assisting the
Deaf Ministry there. He is also the director of the
choir, "Hands of Inspiration". Most recently he can be
preaching the 3rd Sunday of the month at the Deaf Christian
Fellowship meeting at College Mennonite Church in Goshen
Contact: Sandy Slabaugh, phone (574) 535-7061, email sandys@goshen.edu