Saturday, May 1, 2004
Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center of Goshen College, Wolf Lake, IN

Merry Lea NatureFest

Merry Lea offers its first annual NatureFest, featuring a wide variety of hikes and seminars for all ages. Explore local geology, bring your family on a wetland investigation, learn about sustainable building, experiment with organic gardening and more. Les Gustafson-Zook, World Champion autoharpist will perform. Free homemade ice cream! See April 30 for Friday night events. For directions, see

Schedule and Fees:

7:00-8:00 a.m. Early Morning bird hike

8:00-9:00 Breakfast

Cost: $10 for hike and breakfast

9:00 Registration and displays open

Cost for entire day: $10, ages 5-12, $5

10:00-11:30 Hikes and seminars

11:30-1:00 Lunch

1:00-2:30 Choose a second hike or seminar

2:30-4:00 Musical entertainment: Les Gustafson-Zook, autoharp, mandolin

Hikes and Seminars: Adult

Building Design with Earth in Mind; Ecology of Forests; Environmentally Responsible Eating and Organic Gardening; Glacial Geology; Wetland Restoration

Family Hikes

Wetland Investigations; Wild Edibles

Children's Activities

K - 3rd grade, Exploring Nature; 4th - 6th grade, Canoeing on the wetland

Contact: Dave Miller, phone (260) 799-5869, email See also:

Contact: Dave Miller, phone (260) 799-5869, email

See also: