2:00 pm, Monday, May 1, 2006
Music Center, Room 110

Lifelong Learning Institute - Music Across Cultures: Sub-Saharan Africa

Although music has common elements around the world, its unique qualities within each culture offer rich possibilities for understanding the people who created and use it. By hearing, performing and reflecting on the music of Sub-Saharan Africa, you will observe how music and related arts reveal a world outlook: ideals of the good and beautiful, the experience of time and space, and attitudes toward nature and human relationships. In addition, examining music across cultures can lead to a fuller appreciation of your own music.

This class meets May 1, 3, 5, 8 and 10.

Cost: $50 - please call the Welcome Center to register.

Contact: Welcome Center, phone 574-535-7566, email welcomecenter@goshen.edu