8:00 pm, Tuesday, November 14, 2000

Yoder Lecture - David Orr, Environmentalist

"Ecological Design and the Reinvention of Higher Education"

According to author and environmental educator David W. Orr, changes must be made in our educational system in order to promote ecological responsibility. He is director of the environmental studies program at Oberlin College in Ohio and is the author of Earth in Mind and Ecological Literacy.

Orr advocates that educational institutions should not confine environmental education to the classroom but should wed environmental teachings with practical campus greening programs.

"At a higher level, greening of the campus can be seen not as an end, but as a means to a larger end: the greening of minds."

A member of the editorial advisory board for Orion Nature Quarterly, Orr is the education editor for Conservation Biology and has written more than 90 articles on environmental topics.

Contact: Jo Ann Preheim, phone (219) 535-7566, email joannp@goshen.edu

See also: Ancestry and Influence: A Portrait of David Orr