8:00 pm, Tuesday, November 6, 2001
College Church

Yoder Public Affairs Lecture - John Noble Wilford

"Science, the Press and Public Policy."

Modern-day news is teeming with scientific discovery, from stem-cell research to the exploration of new hominid fossils. Pulitzer Prize winning New York Times science editor John Noble Wilford will speak on the media's role in reporting these advances.

Wilford said he will talk about "how important and exciting science journalism is these days, and how media advances will be changing the public communication of sciences. Who describes and interprets these developments for us in the media? What is their responsibility? How well are they doing their job?"

Wilford will also speak on how science coverage has changed with the dawn on the Internet. "We've truly come a long way in science journalism since I first entered the field more than 40 years ago," he said.

After graduating from the University of Tennessee in 1955, Wilford earned a master's degree in political science at Syracuse University. He was an International Reporting Fellow in the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism from 1961 to 1962.

Wilford has won two Pulitzer Prizes for his work with The Times and has written nine books, including The Riddle of the Dinosaur and We Reach the Moon, the story of the Apollo project.

Press Release

Contact: Stuart Showalter, phone (219) 535-7008, email stuarts@goshen.edu