7:00 pm, Tuesday, November 12, 2002
Ad #28

Voices of Peace from the Fellowship of Reconciliation

Speakers: Hossein Alizadeh and Noa Simone

Alizadeh is a 27 year old Iranian Muslim with an MA in International Relations and Peace Studies. As FOR's senior fellow, he coordinates the Campaign of Conscience for the Iraqi people at FOR. Before moving to the US, he worked as a research associate for the think tank of Iran's Foreign Ministry as their specialist on Afghanistan and the Taliban movement. From their unique perspectives, they will share stories as these relate to the Middle East conflict.

Simone, age 20, was born and raised in Israel and she carries dual American/Israeli citizenship. After graduation from high school, she entered preliminary military instruction. After five weeks and tremendous inner struggle, she decided to abstain from the military and began the process of seeking conscientious objector status which was granted in May of 2002. She is currently an intern with FOR-US.

Voices for Peace is a campus tour sponsored by the FOR. Alizadah and Simone will speak about issues surrounding the impending attack on Iraq, US foreign policy, and Israel and Palestine.

Voices for Peace is part of the Fellowship of Reconciliation's national strategy to promote peaceful solutions to global and domestic issues. FOR is the oldest interfaith peace and justice organization in the United States. The FOR carries out campaigns advocating demilitararization and nuclear disarmament, racial and economic justice, and peaceful resolution of conflicts in the Middle East (Palestine and Israel; and Iraq) and Latin America (Colombia and Vieques). FOR also provides nonviolence training for young people and adults.

Sponsoring agencies: Goshen College PJCS Department and the Fellowship of Reconciliation - US

Contact: Ruth E Krall, phone (574) 535-7466, email ruthek@goshen.edu