6:00 pm, Tuesday, November 5, 2002
President's House

Etiquette Meal for Seniors

This fall's etiquette dinner for seniors will be held at the President's house on Tuesday, November 5, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Topics include insights on how to conduct oneself during a dinner meeting in a business setting, interview etiquette, the use of utensils, eating difficult foods, when to begin eating, and other details such as napkin placement and which direction food is passed. Also, how to make small talk, conversation topics, making a positive impression, and what to do if you drop a utensil, spill your drink, just have to sneeze, and other potentially embarrassing situations. You will have ample opportunity to ask questions as you practice new skills.

To apply for this dinner, write a brief paragraph or two about why you want to attend. You may send it to Anita Yoder via e-mail at anitary. Up to 11 seniors may attend.

Contact: Anita Yoder, phone (574) 535-7714, email anitary@goshen.edu