Friday, November 8, 2002 through November 10, 2002

Little Sibs weekend - A weekend for Siblings ages 8-18

'Little Sibs' weekend is an opportunity for younger siblings to see their older siblings in action and catch a behind-the-scenes view of what happens at the college. Lodging for Little Sib is with Big Sib in his/her dorm roon or off-campus residence. If Little Sib is not same gender as GC student, it is Big Sib's responsibility to find temporary lodging for Little Sib for the night. Questions? Call the GC admissions office at (800) 348-7422 or 574-535-7535. Cost of the weekend is $10.00 and the registration deadline is October 25th.

Contact: Admissions, phone 800-348-7422, email