8:00 pm, Tuesday, October 29, 2002
Rieth Recital Hall

Robert Orr, Yoder Public Affairs Lecture Series

Robert Orr, Vice President of the Council on Foreign Relations and diretor of its program in Washington in Washington, D.C., will speak on "Building a Non-Military Bulwark Against Terrorism." He will also present a convocation address titled "The Other Front in the War on Terror" on Oct. 30 at 10 a.m. in the Church-Chapel.

Dr. Orr received his Ph.D. and M.P.A. in international relations from the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University and his bachelors degree from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). He speaks Spanish and Mandarin Chinese. He is co-author of Keeping the Peace: Lessons from Multidimensional Peace Operations in Cambodia and El Salvador (Cambridge University Press, 1997), as well as author of various articles on U.S. foreign policy, the United Nations, peacemaking and peacekeeping.

Contact: Stuart Showalter, phone (574) 535-7008, email stuarts@goshen.edu