7:00 pm, Saturday, October 23, 2004
Home of Hans '55 and Bonnie (Brunk) '55 Hillerbrand

Alumni & Friends Gathering, Durham, NC

Enjoy, an evening reception at the home of Goshen College alumni Hans '55 and Bonnie (Brunk) '55 Hillerbrand. Mingle with friends, hear an about Goshen College from Roger Nafziger '77, enjoy conversation with Don Blosser, former Professor of Bible, and win prizes. You are also invited to hear Don Blosser preach on the core elements of anabaptist faith on Sunday, Oct. 24 at 10:30 at Raleigh Mennonite Church, 1116 N Blount Street, Raleigh, NC. Reservations requested. Call Goshen College at (800) 348-7422 ext. 7565 or e-mail carlafw@goshen.edu

Contact: Jan Ramer, phone (574) 535-7565, email janmr@goshen.edu