7:00 pm, Friday, October 29, 2004
Franconia, Pa.

Alumni Gathering at Franconia Heritage Restaurant

Join Goshen College Alumni for a delicious dessert buffet with local hosts, Steve '89 and Berdine Leinbach '87 and Karla Myers '96. You may make reservations for groups of 8 or more beforehand at 215-721-4400.Come! Mingle with friends; see and hear what is new at Goshen College and win prizes; meet John '57 and Naomi '54 Lederach, Church Ambassadors. RSVP by Oct 18 to Karla Myers by calling 215-412-5141 or via email to karlamyers@yahoo.com

Contact: Jan Ramer, phone (574) 535-7565, email janmr@goshen.edu